Monday, July 10, 2023

Simple Key Binds

 Don't do what I did and start working on keybinds without a plan. I regret it, but I'm fine with the result for now. I will have to expand the "Inputs" class to work with Leadwerks::Object's and then each object can listen for key events. The current class still makes it possible to receive events for all keybinds.

My settings file now has the following added:

jump=32, 0, 0
walk_backward=83, 0, 0
walk_forward=87, 0, 0
walk_left=65, 0, 0
walk_right=68, 0, 0

These represent "key code", "control key", "shift key" and this is enough for my purposes.

I have also included mouse sensitivity settings, and Y-axis invert option. They exist only in the settings, because I haven't done anything with mouse input, but it will be added into this new Inputs class.

I did not see a way to attach to an event to a generic key event, so the Inputs class is mostly responsible for determining actions and binds based on the settings. The Game class is handling the window and input events, and emitting a action event if any of the keys bound are pressed.

Since I didn't plan anything at all before starting the Inputs class it could have been created better, but I don't care right now. In the end I needed an action map, and a binding map. Available functions at this time:

Inputs(const Settings* settings);
const std::vector<Input>& GetBinds(); // binds
const int* GetActionMap(); // action map
const int GetActionKey(const std::string& action); // get key for action
const int GetAction(const std::string& action); // get action from map

The Game class is currently responsible for determining window key actions against binds. An event is emitted when a key that is bound to an action is pressed. Next I need to capture mouse events.

I also need to work on a couple major pieces to this game: Camera, and Player.

A default Camera would work just fine for now, but later the Camera should be part of the Player. I may start with a default "Spectator" camera, because I don't always want to look around like a player. That would be a nightmare for debugging.

Milestones: Camera, Scene/Map, Player

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